Know Your Immigration Rights

All persons in the United States have constitutional protections, including the right to remain silent when questioned or arrested by immigration officers. If ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents approach you, you have rights! See attached resources and website links below to learn more about what to do to protect yourself and your family and what to do in an encounter with immigration enforcement.

Get Legal Help

All immigrant New Yorkers can access free and confidential immigration legal help in their preferred language.

The Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) provides the following information and services to support immigrant New Yorkers navigate the U.S. immigration system and build their lives and futures in New York.

You can call the City-funded, free, and safe MOIA Immigration Legal Support Hotline at 800-354-0365, between 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday to Friday or call 311 and say, "Immigration Legal."

Attached Resources

  1.  Know Your Rights If You Encounter ICE.
  2.  NYC Mayors Office Know Your Rights with ICE.
  3.  What to do after a friend or family member is detained by ICE/Immigration.
  4.  Deportation Defense Manual 
  5.  Red Card - Know Your Rights Red Cards were created to help people assert their rights and defend themselves against constitutional violations. These cards are available to citizens and noncitizens alike.

Resource Website Links:
