Your School! Your Child! Your Voice! Families We Want to Hear from YOU! Take the 2025 NYC School Survey!

IS 349 Family,


The 2025 #NYC Family School Survey is now open until April 4! 


          Ask your child for your family survey sent home via backpack.

  •   ✏️ Take a few minutes to fill out your paper family survey. Please ask your child for your NYC Family Survey envelope sent home via backpack. Return your completed sealed survey to the school with your child. Student will receive a raffle ticket for a chance for parent to win a Smart TV.
  •   🖥Take a few minutes to fill out the online family survey NYC School Survey (press Ctrl and click mouse to open web page) 👉Via email to [email protected] or a snapshot picture show the main office your completed online survey confirmation page. Student will receive a raffle ticket for a chance for parent to win a Smart TV.

 Complete your survey! Now is your chance to express what you love—and what you would like to see improve at IS 349. 

Thank you for your time, cooperation and continued support.