ENL, Dual & ESL Language Family Orientation

ENL, Dual & ESL Language Family Orientation
10/6/2022, 5:00 PM 6:00 PM
Virtual Team Meets

Join us for our ELL Family Orientation learn more about the programs and services offered. Here at I.S. 349 we offer families of English Language Learners two programs that help their children learn English. The programs are:

Dual language

English as a New Language.

Dual Language

The dual language program teaches students in two languages: English and their home language, such as Spanish, Chinese, or Arabic, among others. The home language and English are used equally. The goal of this program is for students to be able to read, write, and speak in both English and their home language. Classes are made up of both English Language Learners who share the same home language and English proficient students. The goal of the program is for students to learn how to speak, read, understand, and write in two languages, and also learn about and appreciate other cultures.

English as a New Language

In an English as a New Language (ENL) program teachers work with the students to build their speaking, writing, reading and listening skills in English using supports in the students’ home language. The goal of the program is to support students as they become English proficient. There are two types of English as a New Language programs:


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